A visceral and ultimately shocking two-hander, unfolds in a single night within a forgotten country parish rectory. The play follows the reunion of two priests: Ben, the new face of the Catholic Church, sent to investigate a retired Monsignor accused of sexually abusing a boy thirty years ago, and Terry, his neglected mentor, who believes in the redemptive power of Christ's mercy.
A visceral and ultimately shocking two-hander, unfolds in a single night within a forgotten country parish rectory. The play follows the reunion of two priests: Ben, the new face of the Catholic Church, sent to investigate a retired Monsignor accused of sexually abusing a boy thirty years ago, and Terry, his neglected mentor, who believes in the redemptive power of Christ's mercy.
A visceral and ultimately shocking two-hander, unfolds in a single night within a forgotten country parish rectory. The play follows the reunion of two priests: Ben, the new face of the Catholic Church, sent to investigate a retired Monsignor accused of sexually abusing a boy thirty years ago, and Terry, his neglected mentor, who believes in the redemptive power of Christ's mercy.
Lighting Designer
Sound Designer
Raya Slavin
Set Construction
Let's make some magic ✨
I acknowledge the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin Nation, the traditional custodians of the unceded land on which I work. I pay my respects to Elders, past and present, and acknowledge their connection to creativity, culture and storytelling. Sovereignty has never been ceded.
© 2024 Casey Harper-Wood. All rights reserved.
Let's make some magic ✨
I acknowledge the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin Nation, the traditional custodians of the unceded land on which I work. I pay my respects to Elders, past and present, and acknowledge their connection to creativity, culture and storytelling. Sovereignty has never been ceded.
© 2024 Casey Harper-Wood. All rights reserved.
Let's make some magic ✨
I acknowledge the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin Nation, the traditional custodians of the unceded land on which I work. I pay my respects to Elders, past and present, and acknowledge their connection to creativity, culture and storytelling. Sovereignty has never been ceded.
© 2024 Casey Harper-Wood. All rights reserved.